Mode-Klassiker weisse Bluse - so trägst du sie mit Twist

Fashion classic white blouse - this is how you wear it with a twist

How can I best wear the white blouse?

Style No. 1: Shirt blouse and leather leggings
These two pieces of clothing are made for each other: white shirt and black leather leggings . The simple yet chic look can be worn for almost any occasion, depending on which shoes and accessories are complemented. If you combine a blazer and sneakers or boots with the outfit, you will make it suitable for the office. With elegant jewelry, a small handbag and high heels, a white blouse becomes an eye-catcher even on festive occasions.

Style #2: White blouse and skirt
If you are unsure which top to wear with a skirt, you are always on the safe side with a white blouse . Whether it's a long pencil skirt with a print , a flared pleated skirt or a simple midi skirt , a white blouse makes every skirt stand out perfectly. Important: Always combine a tight blouse with a wide skirt and a white oversized shirt with a tight-fitting skirt so that the proportions harmonize perfectly.

Style #3: White shirt with crop top or corset top
Would you like to get out of your comfort zone and try out new trends? Then this unusual look is perfect for you: white shirt under atight crop top or a corsage. This is a sexy & modern way to style an oversized white shirt . Perfect for a visit to a museum, a few drinks with friends or special events. If the shirt and corset combination is a bit too daring for you, you can simply emphasize your waist with a large statement belt.

Style No. 4: White blouse and linen pants
Combine a white blouse with summery linen trousers without looking stuffy? That works! The trick is that both the trousers and the shirt must have an airy cut. The casual look is rounded off with flat sandals or sneakers and a cap or bucket hat . The perfect outfit for summer leisure activities.

Style No. 5: White oversized blouse over mini dress
A refreshing way to wear an oversized shirt is, instead of fastening every button, leave the white shirt completely open and wear it coolly as an overshirt, for example over a classic T-shirt , tight tank top or a black slip dress .


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