Herbsttauglich – So stylst du Kleider und Röcke in der Übergangszeit

Suitable for autumn – this is how you style dresses and skirts in the transitional period

How can I style dresses and skirts in autumn and winter?

Floral dress , sandals and bag – the perfect summer look is ready! Dresses and skirts make it particularly easy for us to look stylish on hot days despite the heat and with just a few items of clothing. But what is it actually like at lower temperatures? Can be How to style skirts and dresses for winter ? With our Styling tips in any case!

Styling tip No. 1: Go for a cowboy boot

Cowboy boots are experiencing a major revival this year. And what goes better with the bulky riding boots than a long, airy floral dress ? This will give you the perfect break in style for the transitional period. And the best? Cowboy boots are not only an absolute fashion statement, they are also the perfect footwear for cool and rainy days. At the same time , dresses in midi and maxi lengths are perfect for combining with warming tights. Cozy & chic in one – what more could a woman want?

Tip: Wear a viscose underdress or a long-sleeved cotton shirt under your summer dress to make the thin material of the dress suitable for winter.

Styling tip No. 2: Rock n Roll? You can wear these tops with a skirt in winter

Whether it's a floral skirt, poplin skirt, pleated skirt or leather skirt, thick knitted sweaters and cardigans always look good in combination with skirts . But the coarse knit has a small disadvantage: In rooms it becomes Autumn look too warm quickly. In such cases: Rock n Roll, baby! So skirt + turtleneck. Thin knitted turtleneck sweaters not only keep you warm, but also look timelessly elegant. Blouses , especially long-sleeved silk blouses, are also ideal for the autumnal makeover of your summer styles. Always wear an undershirt under a blouse to provide an additional warm layer of clothing.

Styling tip no. 3: The little black dress with a skirt and dress

The little black dress is a fashion classic that you really can't go wrong with. But that doesn't just apply to this timeless dress variant! When it comes to jackets in autumn, we prefer to go for a little black dress . The short-cut leather jacket in biker style can be worn with almost any look. The cool classic jacket is particularly stylish when combined with playful print dresses and airy skirts . We also love the biker jacket paired with a casual knitted dress . How are you styling your leather jacket this season?

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