Princess Loves Mickey Mouse

Princess Loves Mickey Mouse

When asked about the classic cartoon icon, everyone thinks – clearly! - immediately Mickey Mouse . Along with Donald Duck, Mickey is probably the most famous character from Duckburg and has now become a symbol of Disney. In November 2018, the cult mouse celebrated its 90th birthday. To mark the anniversary, Princess goes Hollywood has dedicated its own collection to the mouse dream couple, Mickey and Minnie. The result is funny shirts, casual knits and cozy sweaters that immediately fill us with nostalgic feelings of happiness and carefreeness from our childhood.

Mickey Mouse celebrates her 90th birthday: A short excursion into the past

The iconic mouse has been delighting audiences both young and old for years. Since November 18, 2018, it has been 90 years that she has been on the screen.

Mickey made his official debut in the 1928 film Steamboat Willie. But contrary to what most fans believe, he actually made his first appearance in a different film. Even before the first success of its creator, Walt Disney, served Mickey Mouse already as a protagonist in the work “Plane Crazy”. This six-minute silent film was hardly well received by test audiences, but nevertheless later made it to cinemas in the form of a sound film.

By the way: The idea of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney came on a train ride from New York to Los Angeles. Shortly before, a contract extension for the cartoon series “Oswald – The Lucky Rabbit” was rejected and Disney was frustrated. But instead of moping for a long time, he was inspired and decided to delete the rabbit from his further cartoons and instead use a mouse.


Princess Goes Hollywood honors Mickey Mouse with new collection

You're as big a Mickey Mouse and Disney fan as you are Princess Goes Hollywood ? With our own Mickey Mouse collection we celebrate the anniversary of probably the most popular mouse of all time! Discover the fun Disney styles from our Summer 19 collection now and get your new favorite piece.

Easily order or find your favorites online collection in a boutique near you.

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