Neues Jahr, neues Ich? So bringst du mit wenigen Styles frischen Wind in deine Outfits

New year, new me? This way you can bring a breath of fresh air into your outfits with just a few styles

Inventory: what is already there and what can go?

First of all, you need to turn your wardrobe upside down. But please don't sort out the items that you don't think you have any use for but would like to wear. Maybe we'll find a solution for that later. But be brutally honest and sort out everything that you don't like, that doesn't fit or that is made of material that you don't like wearing. You have to feel comfortable in your clothes , your second skin, and they should make you happy. That's the most important thing. If items are broken, first consider whether they can be repaired. If not, throw them away!

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Creativity and courage are key

Now comes the fashion show. Lock yourself in and try out every possible combination.

A sweater over a summer dress or would you rather wear a blouse underneath? Combine the pretty but unfortunately boring black with a bright T-shirt ? A chic silk blouse with baggy pants or an oversized wool sweater with leather leggings ?

Play with shapes, colors, materials and lengths and repurposing. The formal evening dress that you haven't found a suitable occasion for in recent years suddenly becomes suitable for everyday wear when combined with a casual leather jacket . Or the summer dress that hasn't been worn in recent years suddenly becomes suitable for winter when you combine it with your favorite XXL sweater .

Be brave and don't worry too much about what others think. You might make a mistake sometimes, but in the end, courage always pays off and you'll see how much fresh air you can bring into your existing wardrobe. You'll be surprised how many completely new outfits you suddenly come up with.

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Is something missing? Add to wish list

If you notice at your fitting party that you are missing one or two basic or flashy items, then make a wish list. Write down exactly which items are missing. You will certainly find that there are not that many and you can then search for them specifically. This is much more efficient than just shopping around, which usually ends with you having lots of new items but they don't fill the gaps between your existing outfits .

Never underestimate the power of the basics

If you let others inspire you online, you'll quickly notice: it's all about basics . When adding new items of clothing, concentrate on basics. You probably already have enough extravagant, eye-catching pieces in your wardrobe that are waiting for the right use. Now you need to combine these with the right, high-quality, classic basics like our high-quality cashmere sweater .

Let's oversize

Oversized clothing is perfect for freshening up boring outfits. A simple oversized sweater or shirt can become a fashion statement and, if combined correctly, can even be a slimming aid. Just always remember: it's best to have it wide at the top and tight at the bottom, or wide at the bottom and tight at the top.

Finishing touches: Don’t forget accessories!

Even though less is more for most outfits, that doesn't mean you should do without them completely. The right belt or handbag can really improve an outfit. It doesn't matter whether you're going casual or smart. A cap or hat can often make THE difference and shouldn't be underestimated.

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