Luxus aus der Natur – das macht Kaschmir so besonders

Luxury from nature – that’s what makes cashmere so special

How is cashmere wool obtained?

cashmere is obtained from the undercoat of cashmere goats. It is characterized by its floppy ears and small, rounded horns. In total, there are around 20 different breeds of Cashmere goats worldwide, with the origin of the Cashmere goat being in the high mountain steppes of Central Asia. The individual hairs of this goat are only around 12-19 micrometers thick (for comparison: diameter of human hair = 30 micrometers) and are as light as a feather, so they offer the perfect basis for exceptionally soft and high-quality cashmere styles with maximum comfort.

The correct names for cashmere styles

According to EU guidelines, a piece of clothing may only be... cashmere be referred to if the cashmere portion at least 85 percent amounts.
As a style with Cashmere content Articles are titled which at least 14.5 percent from Kashmir consist.
The designation “ 100 percent cashmere ” is only given to clothing and accessories that are made of pure cashmere.

The peculiarities of Kashmir

Fashion made from cashmere not only looks good – it also has a lot of advantages.

The most important Properties of cashmere at a glance:

1. Thermal insulation:

Cashmere goats usually live in high mountains and are sometimes exposed to very low temperatures. In order to survive the cold days, they developed a warming undercoat - the Cashmere wool . What's special about the undercoat? The fine hairs have tiny pockets of air in the spaces between them, which can store heat up to six times better than sheep's wool. This means that cashmere impresses with its excellent thermal insulation and is suitable, for example, for winter sweaters and scarves . But cashmere is also a popular textile in summer because the fine wool is breathable and prevents excessive sweating.

2. Dirt and odor resistant

Cashmere wool is naturally dirt and odor repellent due to the residual fat content. For this reason, cardigans , sweaters , dresses , etc. made from cashmere can often be worn for weeks without being washed. Extensive ventilation is enough.

3. Moisture-repellent

Really impressive! Cashmere fibers can absorb up to 33% of their own weight in moisture without feeling damp. That's because cashmere is particularly absorbent, while the natural wax coating of the wool ensures that water cannot penetrate the interior of the fiber. Only water vapor is completely absorbed by cashmere wool.

4. Skin friendly

Cashmere wool is particularly popular with people with sensitive skin. The fine fibers nestle gently against the skin without scratching. By the way, high-quality cashmere wool does not shed. Small pilling pills are completely natural and can be easily and quickly removed using a cashmere comb .

Care for cashmere properly

What has Cashmere wool with human hair? Both are made of amino acids! Hence the Caring for cashmere similar to our hair.

These are the most important rules for washing cashmere wool fashion:

• Hand wash
• Low water temperature (maximum 30 degrees)
• Do not rub fine wool to avoid matting
• No care products with optical brighteners (bleaching agents)
• Use liquid wool detergent
• Do not dry with a dryer or hairdryer (air dry)
• Let dry lying flat (do not hang up)

To ensure that your cashmere garments stay as new as possible for as long as possible, we have... Princess Goes Hollywood developed our own care detergent for cashmere & wool . The liquid detergent is suitable for both hand and machine washing.

Cashmere trends 2022

Timeless, but with a cool twist! That's the motto this year for cashmere styles from sweaters to cardigans. Princess Goes Hollywood therefore relies on cutting-edge statement colors such as green, blue, pink or yellow. Practical and trendy elements such as cords or balloon sleeves give the designs that certain something.

Style tip:
It's best to combine your colorful cashmere eye-catcher with classic blue jeans or a patterned counterpart that contains the same color. For example skirt , shorts or sweatpants .


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