Pflegewaschmittel von Princess Goes Hollywood

Princess Goes Hollywood detergent

Sustainable care for your clothes

Sustainable care for your clothes

Material-friendly | Climate-friendly | Recycled PET

Special care for special fabrics

High-quality clothing deserves proper care. The Princess Goes Hollywood detergent line was specially developed for delicate fabrics. Whether cashmere, wool, silk or cotton - these detergents ensure long-lasting quality and color intensity of your favorite items.

The series includes three variants:

  • Wool & Cashmere
  • silk & viscose
  • Linen & Cotton

All detergents are environmentally friendly, based on natural raw materials and come in bottles made of recycled PET. They are available in 240 ml and 50 ml.


Cashmere & Wool care detergent

Cashmere and wool require special attention. With this detergent, your wool products will remain soft, supple and color-intensive.

Washing instructions:

Machine wash: Two capfuls (20 ml) for a wool wash. For hand wash: 10 ml in 5 liters of water.

Stains: Treat with pure solution, leave for 10 minutes and then wash.

The formula is based on natural raw materials, is biodegradable and free of brighteners.

Silk & Viscose care detergent

Protect the delicate structure of silk and viscose with this specially formulated detergent. It preserves colors and keeps the material supple.

Washing instructions:

Hand wash: One capful (10 ml) to 5 liters of water. Do not wring or dry in the sun.

Machine wash: Two caps for the main wash.

Cotton & Linen care detergent

This detergent is the perfect choice for sustainable materials such as cotton and linen. It protects colors and offers gentle cleaning.

Washing instructions:

Hand wash: One capful to 7-10 liters of water.

Machine wash: Two caps for the main wash cycle.

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Cashmere comb: The perfect companion

Remove annoying pills with the cashmere comb from Princess Goes Hollywood . This will keep your clothes looking like new for a long time.

Find out more about care and tips under Little Cashmere ABC and 10 Care Tips for Cashmere .

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